This is a mini five part series explaining the advantages and disadvantages for each of the two big ticket candidates and on the fifth pots, we will take about the winner of the election and what to expect.
The downside of a Trump presidency could be disastrous for America and even the world. If the things the Democratic party says about him are true then we should have seen it coming. While I personally don’t think he is the next “Hitler” as some people have called him. Before we talk about what could happen if he wins the presidency, let’s talk about what could happen if he doesn’t. Last election year, before Biden was sworn in, we had the infamous Jan. 6th riots where hundreds of Trump supporters marched on the capitol in protest of the 2020 election being “rigged” and wanting justice. Then about 100 supports broke into the capitol to prevent a joint session of congress from counting votes which would then confirm President Biden’s victory in an event that led to the death of 6 people, one being a police officer, and more than $2.7 million in damages. This was investigated by a special committee and determined that Trump initiated this attack in a speech earlier in the day that the election was stolen and said in his speech “If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” During the attack, he didn’t do anything to stop it besides put out some tweets telling people to stop but it did nothing since people were too busy raiding congress to look at their phones. This whole situation really left a sour taste in a lot of people’s mouths, even some of his supporters at the time who do not trust him now because of the events of Jan. 6th. Trump can be a scary person because we know he is capable of a lot of things with a crazy fan base behind him that would die for him and billions of dollars at his disposal.
There are fears that he will continue to make the rich richer and keep the middle and working class down. He says he wants to help the middle class but actions speak louder than words and so we would have to see if he is elected. He also has not proposed a way to fix the issue of the rich people that are avoiding taxes and not paying their fair share. Also there are fears that he will ban abortion throughout the U.S. if elected although he has come out and said its not true and by undoing Roe v Wade during his time as president, he just gave the decision about abortion laws back to the states but one thing is for sure and that is over half of women feel unsafe in an America run by Donald Trump. One more thing that Democrats have been pushing is the “leaks” of “Project 2025”, which is a plan full of radical right ideas that is allegedly written by some of Trump’s cabinet members and makes a lot of people scarred if it is although Trump has also come out and said he has never heard of it. So the big gamble here with Trump is just that he holds true to his word and that he is not the person the media and some others think or make him out to be.
“Trump Did Not Call National Guard.” January 6th, Accessed 5 Nov. 2024.